Thursday, February 27, 2020

Project Performance and Control on the London 2012 construction Essay

Project Performance and Control on the London 2012 construction programme - Essay Example Equally, the program did not suffer from any noticeable or significant deviation from the set goals and measures as detailed in the governing blueprint of the schedule. The orderly and harmonious connection of the different aspects of the program was an enabling factor to the attaining of the different goals attained at the various levels and stages of the program. Most project deliverables were within the stipulated range of time and measures. The overall performance of the program is indicative of the accuracy of methods employed, the appropriate estimations, and the quality of controls and management systems employed before and in the course of the construction. The success of the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games depended nearly entirely on the nature of logistics and state of infrastructure. The entire construction project was placed under the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) (Elson, 2012). Experts in the fields of construction, planning, sports, and finance worked together to achieve a level of efficiency that contributed significantly to the successful model of construction and architecture. In essence, analysts contend that much of the efficiency and effectiveness of the program was a factor of appropriate consultation and the assessment of utility, resources, and the element of time. Analysts observe that the performance of the construction program surpassed benchmarks and established standards and that it demonstrated the capacity of London construction industry to overcome the usual inequalities and logistical mishaps that have defined nearly similar projects in the past. Forensic schedule analysis and cost management are some of the key indicators of success that attend to construction projects in many parts of the world. The application of this analysis was manifest in matching of specific processes to respective estimates of time. Teams comprising of contractors, the academia, industry partners, and multiple government bodies worked together with the ODA to assess the kind of synergies that would be required in the development of other systems that are consistent with the nature of success achieved in the London 2012 Construction Program (Elson, 2012). On this note, it becomes important to assess the program as a case in point of the effect of coordination and management on the performance of processes as understood within the construction industry. Appropriate systems of risk management were enlisted throughout the various processes to serve as the safeguards against possible and unforeseeable mishaps to the program. The enlisting of the risk management systems was premised on the awareness of the impact of external factors to the performance of the program. As such, estimates of costs and other operational variables were determined in recognition of the possible variations that determine the nature of performance of processes against the set goals and benchmarks. The preliminary stage of the program focused on the dev elopment of the most appropriate strategy. This stage was one of the most important because it determined the course of action to be taken regarding the other kinds of processes. Some of the details that informed the development of strategy included matters of funding of the specific aspects of the program. Details of internal and external funding were discussed with the view of determining the most appropri

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Wannsee conference, was it the place where the final solution was Research Paper

Wannsee conference, was it the place where the final solution was decided - Research Paper Example Essentially, Hitler’s regime had decided to exterminate the entire global population of the Jews. This would be the second time the Jews were facing persecution in Europe. The first significant period of persecution has to be the period of the Black Deaths. This is the time when they were perceived to be the ones accountable for the extensive spread of the plague. Apparently, they achieved this by poisoning the water. During this period, the Jews were suffering the persecutions as the only victims of continental rage. However, during the Holocaust, aside from the Jews, the disabled, the homosexuals, gypsies and at times twins were the recipients of these persecutions. These cleansing expeditions by the Nazis resulted in approximately six million deaths. This is aside from the emotional torture that it subjected to those who were lucky enough not to die. The extensive damage to the human race attributed to the Holocaust is as a result of proper planning by a team of German inte llectuals. The meeting in which they designed and formulated the strategy of this genocide is referred to as the Wannsee Conference. It is the ambition of this paper to give an extensive view of this Conference. This will be realized through the study of seven texts that focus on this Conference. Analysis Gerlach, Christina. "The Wannsee Conference, the Fate of German Jews, and Hitler's Decision in Principle to Exterminate All European Jews." The Journal Of Modern History, 1998: 759-812. The Wannsee Conference has been highlighted as the place where the decision of cleansing Europe of Jews took place. However, what has not been highlighted upon is the political pressure that had characterized Germany prior to the Holocaust. Gerlach illustrates this by stating the political pressure Hitler faced: â€Å" Hitler was reacting to political impulses and initiatives that originated from within the administration and within the party apparatus.†1 According to the author, the Conferen ce had not been mandated with the extermination of the entire Jewish population rather, the Conference had been purposed to decide on who to classify as a Jew. This is crucial given the fact that the Holocaust persecuted not only the Jews, but the homosexuals, the gypsies, the disabled and t extreme levels also twins. This is a rather astounding given the fact that the initial decision was only to cleanse Europe of Jews. The world has over time insinuated that Hitler acted alone in his narcissistic acts of dehumanization. However, Gerlach gives evidence that the political structure of Germany was all a long instrumental in the actions. She writes of the actions of Hitler in deporting the eastern Jews as being as direct urging by the political structure. Author cites documents that are believed to have originated from the Hitler administration showing aliasing of ideas on how to deal, best, with the Jewish community. In light of this, the fact that the idea of exterminating the was d irectly and only from the Hitler becomes suspect. The Conference proceedings were established with the primary motive of deliberating on vital political and economic issues that were pertinent to Germany at the time. To give additional evidence of the vital nature of the Conference, the author illustrates that Hitler approved the deportation of the Jews2. If he was the one who orchestrated all the terrors that were realized due to this continental discrimination, then he would have simply carried